Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Invitation to speak at the MD Anderson Virtual Data Science Forum

Hi Mark,


Fine.  We'll add that in the morning to the already-posted calendar version (which included the title) and to the ListServ.


Again, best wishes.  Bissan will be introducing you, so she can ask for any additional info if needed.



John and Bissan


From: Mark Gerstein <mark@gersteinlab.org>
Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 9:06
To: Al-Lazikani,Bissan <BOverington@mdanderson.org>
Cc: Weinstein,John N <jweinste@mdanderson.org>, Chavez,Sergio <SChavez1@mdanderson.org>, glabstracts.mbglab@blogger.com <glabstracts.mbglab@blogger.com>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Invitation to speak at the MD Anderson Virtual Data Science Forum

SLOW DOWN!  - EXTERNAL SENDER: mark@gersteinlab.org Be suspicious of tone, urgency, and formatting. Do not click/open links or attachments on a mobile device. Wait until you are at a computer to confirm you are absolutely certain it is a trusted source. If you are at all uncertain use the Report Phish button and our Cybersecurity team will investigate.


Topics in Cancer Genomics


My talk will cover material from the following papers:

Using sigLASSO to optimize cancer mutation signatures jointly with
sampling likelihood.
S Li, FW Crawford, MB Gerstein (2020). Nat Commun 11: 3575.

Latent Evolutionary Signatures: A General Framework for Analyzing
Music and Cultural Evolution
J Warrell, L Salichos, M Gancz, MB Gerstein (2024). J R Soc Interface
21: 20230647.

Assessing and mitigating privacy risks of sparse, noisy genotypes by
local alignment to haplotype databases.
PS Emani, MN Geradi, G Gursoy, MR Grasty, A Miranker, MB Gerstein
(2023). Genome Res 33: 2156-2173.

Unified views on variant impact across many diseases
S Kumar, M Gerstein (2023). Trends Genet 39: 442-450.

Passenger Mutations in More Than 2,500 Cancer Genomes: Overall
Molecular Functional Impact and Consequences.
S Kumar, J Warrell, S Li, PD McGillivray, W Meyerson, L Salichos, A
Harmanci, A Martinez-Fundichely, CWY Chan, MM Nielsen, L Lochovsky, Y
Zhang, X Li, S Lou, JS Pedersen, C Herrmann, G Getz, E Khurana, MB
Gerstein (2020). Cell 180: 915-927e16.

Origins and characterization of variants shared between databases of
somatic and germline human mutations.
W Meyerson, J Leisman, FCP Navarro, M Gerstein (2020). BMC
Bioinformatics 21: 227.


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